
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Justine Forrest: We made it!
Justine Forrest: We made it!: Well I'm officially a 'MARATHON RUNNER' wayhey!!!! 3 months of hard physical & mental training was all worth it and I've lived to tell the...
We made it!
Well I'm officially a 'MARATHON RUNNER' wayhey!!!! 3 months of hard physical & mental training was all worth it and I've lived to tell the tale, and what a tale. For anyone out there - if you enjoy running or fancy a challenge, try the London Marathon, it certainly won't disappoint!!. I did the Great North Run last year and that was an incredible experience but I have to say the London Marathon beats it hands down.
We set off at 7am Saturday morning from Preston train station, we got into London and went straight to pick our numbers up and register. We then went to the marathon Pasta Party, which is held in the same exhibition center . From there we went to the Marriott Hotel in Regents Park. It was along way, about a 4 mile walk , as hubby got us off at the wrong station!! my feet were killing me, I was starting to get very worried about running the marathon at this point. We've been so consumed with training and eating as healthy as we can over the last few months, that when the time comes you start to question yourself ,'are you fit enough'? - 'have you trained enough?' and it's all too late at this point.
Sunday 22nd April, got up at the crack of dawn and headed off for a very healthy breakfast of yogurt, fruit and a bowl of porridge & honey, super fuel food for the day ahead lol. After breakfast, we headed over to Greenwich for the start of the marathon. It's quite an incredible sight seeing all these people, running for all these fabulous charities, all dressed in their different charity vests congregating in their masses at the start. We took our places and chose to stand right at the back of the thousands of runners, well to be fair it wasn't my idea, it was my Hunk of Hoo's. All I could think was 'no way do I want to be at the back, the sweeper truck will come past me'. Then Hunk of Hoo explained that he thought it would be a great idea because - mentally it would be great for my confidence as we were sure to overtake loads of runners & walkers and secondly our kids might get to see us on telly as they were bound to show the people at the back . Well he was right on both counts, as our children were made up they could see us as clear as day and yes I overtook thousands by the end!!! whoop whoop lol. Something I've obviously never done before and what a fantastic boost to my moral that was.
4 miles in I was finding it so easy, Hunk of Hoo even had to pull me back a few times as he thought I might start to burn out. 10 miles in I was still looking strong and it felt easy, the miles seemed to be getting very long though. The sun was out and it was getting quite hot too. The crowds were amazing and outside all the pubs along the route they played loud music and chanted your name as you passed, it really does help, everyone from the stewards to the crowds were amazing and made the day. 17 miles in I hit what I think was 'THE WALL' and that lasted till 22 miles, when I managed to get it back a bit. Hunk of Hoo wore a photograph of ickle Christopher, in ICU last summer when we nearly lost him ,on his back and from 17-22 miles I constantly needed to look at it to focus and remind me why I was doing this, as I so wanted to stop and walk at that stage. I know I wouldn't have been able to do any of this marathon without my Hunk of Hoo, he is always amazing and he encourages me so much by constantly telling me how amazing he thinks I am, he is the sweetest person alive, I swear and I know I'm a lucky lady to have him in my life (but don't tell him that lol). I don't think my Hunk of Hoo struggled at any point of the run, he was fab and talked to me all the way around. From 22 miles we were the only ones running around us, I started to enjoy it again and was whoop whooping the crowd as we ran passed them, shouted our names out, it's a fantastic feeling. I think that's why my shoulders are so sore though, all that arm thrusting in the air I was doing, I should know better at my age lol. At the start of the run it was such a lovely sunny day ,then for the last 4 miles it started to rain and chuck it down. Good job it was only for the last 4 miles as it would have made it so much harder trying to run 26.2 miles in a downpour. Anyways we did it - united as ever crossing the finishing line, hand in hand and collecting our medals together, what a feeling. It didn't quite end there for me though, as when I stopped at the finish my legs went and as well as nearly being sick I nearly fainted and had to be helped to the St John's tent to be checked over. I then proceeded to spend the next 45 minute stretchered up being seen to by 2 doctors, 2 nurses and 2 physio's. At one point it did cross our minds I might get sent to hospital. It was all so worth it in the end though, it's a bit like childbirth in that way - at the time you swear you'll never do it EVER again then an hour later you want to do it all over again. But lets face it I did go onto have 3 kiddies so the possibility of doing the London Marathon again is high lol.
So the roundup is - We both crossed the line in 5 hours 57 minutes. We did the whole 26.2 miles without stopping or walking once, we also have 3 very proud children (you don't get to say that very often lol), they were and always will be immense, they tracked us every inch of the route and the second we passed the finishing line they printed our certificates out, bless. But most importantly we raised £2556 for our charity Ronald McDonald House YAY! What an incredible feeling!
A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who either sponsored us, came to our charity night, supported us and believed in us or gave us advice or sent messages and cards, every single gesture is truly appreciated - And not forgetting a big thank you to our lovely friends Nigel & Mary for looking after our most precious possessions - our 3 children and taking care of them all weekend like they were their own.
We set off at 7am Saturday morning from Preston train station, we got into London and went straight to pick our numbers up and register. We then went to the marathon Pasta Party, which is held in the same exhibition center . From there we went to the Marriott Hotel in Regents Park. It was along way, about a 4 mile walk , as hubby got us off at the wrong station!! my feet were killing me, I was starting to get very worried about running the marathon at this point. We've been so consumed with training and eating as healthy as we can over the last few months, that when the time comes you start to question yourself ,'are you fit enough'? - 'have you trained enough?' and it's all too late at this point.
Sunday 22nd April, got up at the crack of dawn and headed off for a very healthy breakfast of yogurt, fruit and a bowl of porridge & honey, super fuel food for the day ahead lol. After breakfast, we headed over to Greenwich for the start of the marathon. It's quite an incredible sight seeing all these people, running for all these fabulous charities, all dressed in their different charity vests congregating in their masses at the start. We took our places and chose to stand right at the back of the thousands of runners, well to be fair it wasn't my idea, it was my Hunk of Hoo's. All I could think was 'no way do I want to be at the back, the sweeper truck will come past me'. Then Hunk of Hoo explained that he thought it would be a great idea because - mentally it would be great for my confidence as we were sure to overtake loads of runners & walkers and secondly our kids might get to see us on telly as they were bound to show the people at the back . Well he was right on both counts, as our children were made up they could see us as clear as day and yes I overtook thousands by the end!!! whoop whoop lol. Something I've obviously never done before and what a fantastic boost to my moral that was.
4 miles in I was finding it so easy, Hunk of Hoo even had to pull me back a few times as he thought I might start to burn out. 10 miles in I was still looking strong and it felt easy, the miles seemed to be getting very long though. The sun was out and it was getting quite hot too. The crowds were amazing and outside all the pubs along the route they played loud music and chanted your name as you passed, it really does help, everyone from the stewards to the crowds were amazing and made the day. 17 miles in I hit what I think was 'THE WALL' and that lasted till 22 miles, when I managed to get it back a bit. Hunk of Hoo wore a photograph of ickle Christopher, in ICU last summer when we nearly lost him ,on his back and from 17-22 miles I constantly needed to look at it to focus and remind me why I was doing this, as I so wanted to stop and walk at that stage. I know I wouldn't have been able to do any of this marathon without my Hunk of Hoo, he is always amazing and he encourages me so much by constantly telling me how amazing he thinks I am, he is the sweetest person alive, I swear and I know I'm a lucky lady to have him in my life (but don't tell him that lol). I don't think my Hunk of Hoo struggled at any point of the run, he was fab and talked to me all the way around. From 22 miles we were the only ones running around us, I started to enjoy it again and was whoop whooping the crowd as we ran passed them, shouted our names out, it's a fantastic feeling. I think that's why my shoulders are so sore though, all that arm thrusting in the air I was doing, I should know better at my age lol. At the start of the run it was such a lovely sunny day ,then for the last 4 miles it started to rain and chuck it down. Good job it was only for the last 4 miles as it would have made it so much harder trying to run 26.2 miles in a downpour. Anyways we did it - united as ever crossing the finishing line, hand in hand and collecting our medals together, what a feeling. It didn't quite end there for me though, as when I stopped at the finish my legs went and as well as nearly being sick I nearly fainted and had to be helped to the St John's tent to be checked over. I then proceeded to spend the next 45 minute stretchered up being seen to by 2 doctors, 2 nurses and 2 physio's. At one point it did cross our minds I might get sent to hospital. It was all so worth it in the end though, it's a bit like childbirth in that way - at the time you swear you'll never do it EVER again then an hour later you want to do it all over again. But lets face it I did go onto have 3 kiddies so the possibility of doing the London Marathon again is high lol.
So the roundup is - We both crossed the line in 5 hours 57 minutes. We did the whole 26.2 miles without stopping or walking once, we also have 3 very proud children (you don't get to say that very often lol), they were and always will be immense, they tracked us every inch of the route and the second we passed the finishing line they printed our certificates out, bless. But most importantly we raised £2556 for our charity Ronald McDonald House YAY! What an incredible feeling!
A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who either sponsored us, came to our charity night, supported us and believed in us or gave us advice or sent messages and cards, every single gesture is truly appreciated - And not forgetting a big thank you to our lovely friends Nigel & Mary for looking after our most precious possessions - our 3 children and taking care of them all weekend like they were their own.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Justine Forrest: This time next week I'll be a little sore!
Justine Forrest: This time next week I'll be a little sore!: Well less than a week to go until the London Marathon. I'm thinking this time next week I might be a little stiff and achy. Cant wait to be ...
Monday, 16 April 2012
This time next week I'll be a little sore!
Well less than a week to go until the London Marathon. I'm thinking this time next week I might be a little stiff and achy. Cant wait to be part of the biggest marathon in the world though, what an amazing achievement. A few years back I struggled walking - period!!!! Now I run nearly everyday. Wow it is a bit surreal when I think about it like that. I couldn't have done all this without the amazing support from my Hunk of Hoo and my children though, their all so proud of me and never stop telling me that. After the marathon I might get my life back, well for a few days at least as the week after it's the Blackpool 10k then the Great North Run in September, thinking we might even squeeze in the Preston Guild Marathon, well we'll see, I haven't done my first marathon yet lol. So for now we'll just keep training up until Friday. Thought I might pull it back more this last week but I'm finding when I don't run for a day or two it's really hard to get back into it and my breathing etc goes, so for now I'm just concentrating on getting through this week and then trying to enjoy everything the London Marathon has to offer. I know it's going to be mind over matter on the day, but I feel I'm strong enough and can do it. I know that when I hit the wall on the run the thought of what our inspirational children have come through and still have to go through will be enough to get me to the finishing line without stopping. Chris is wearing a photo of Christopher in Intensive Care when we nearly lost him last year on his running vest. He wore it at last years Great North Run and I so need to see it. Every so often I kissed it x. That half marathon run was totally mind over matter as I had been sat next to Christopher caring for him in hospital all summer and I had put on roughly a stone and a half through that really tough time, so when we eventually brought Christopher home we got 2 and a half weeks training before the GNR, which was ridiculous after both of us never running since our school days. Anyway, we did it, so I definitley know that when I need to I can certainly find enough inner strength in life.
We all had an amazing weekend in the Forrest household. Millie did a PB in her second discus event at Wigan on Sunday and she came 2nd, 'GO MILLIE'. Then our Alex played in two golf comps on Sunday and played 2 under her par?!?!? (what ever that means, I think it's a good thing lol). Her handicap has now been dropped to 12, 'GO ALEX'. Then I did a chefs demo at the MS Life Event at the Manchester Gmex Centre. It all went incredibly well, the team behind the cookery demo theatre said they wanted to book me for the next one and I've also got another 2 chefs demo's booked in. Very exiting stuff as it's my dream job and I so enjoy it, well what's there not to enjoy, it's all my fave things - talking, having a laugh, cooking, baking and meeting lots of lovely people!!!!!!x
We all had an amazing weekend in the Forrest household. Millie did a PB in her second discus event at Wigan on Sunday and she came 2nd, 'GO MILLIE'. Then our Alex played in two golf comps on Sunday and played 2 under her par?!?!? (what ever that means, I think it's a good thing lol). Her handicap has now been dropped to 12, 'GO ALEX'. Then I did a chefs demo at the MS Life Event at the Manchester Gmex Centre. It all went incredibly well, the team behind the cookery demo theatre said they wanted to book me for the next one and I've also got another 2 chefs demo's booked in. Very exiting stuff as it's my dream job and I so enjoy it, well what's there not to enjoy, it's all my fave things - talking, having a laugh, cooking, baking and meeting lots of lovely people!!!!!!x
Monday, 9 April 2012
Justine Forrest: Apparently it's 13 days till the 2012 London Marat...
Justine Forrest: Apparently it's 13 days till the 2012 London Marat...: Well yes it's less than 2 weeks away to the Marathon!!!, Don't know what i'm going to do with myself after it's over?? Oh I know, I'll carr...
Apparently it's 13 days till the 2012 London Marathon!
Well yes it's less than 2 weeks away to the Marathon!!!, Don't know what i'm going to do with myself after it's over?? Oh I know, I'll carry on training for the Great North Run in September lol. All this training does take a lot of my time up though, so looking forward to not playing catch up with my life when it's all over. This week will be our last intense training week, I'm planing on doing 2 runs a day and lots of gym work in between. Then next week , we bring our training back and taper off until the 'BIG ONE'. A little worried though because my Hunk of Hoo has still got his chest infection. He started with it over 2 months ago now, he's really struggling breathing at the moment and he's been taking his asthma inhaler too. So first thing tomorrow he's booking a doctors appointment so he can get some antibiotics to hopefully clear it up before our run. Also today I've started with a bad neck. I've had a reoccurring whiplash injury for the last 6 years, it comes back to haunt me a couple of times a year and usually lasts up to 3 months at a time. At it's worst I cant sleep and I need treatment from my osteopath and strong prescription drugs from my doctor, so hoping it's not returning and it's just because I slept in a funny position last night.
This week a good friend of ours is leaving the gym we use to set up on his own. We our going to miss him like mad. He's been a real help with our training and has always been there to advice and help us both. I might get more work done at the gym if he's not there though, as we do tend to chat a little too much lol. We wish him all the luck in the world with his new venture, but i'm sure he wont need it! Big (((hugs))) Darren Salmon AKA 'The Terminator' x.
I've had a very busy and exiting Easter. Been extremely busy with my internet chocolate brownie orders as well as supplying 2 massive orders to a very nice food hamper business. They had a stand at the Chester Food & Drink Festival and they asked me to supply them with my brownies. I got a phone call at 2.30pm on their first day saying they had completely sold out and could I bake another huge order for the next day. I did and we dropped them off first thing on Easter Sunday before we went onto Alton Towers.
For an Easter surprise for the kids, me & my Hunk of Hoo had decided to take them to Alton Towers for the day because it's been so long, well over a year since having a family day out because of little Christopher's heart surgery and then his recovery and medication. So this was going to be a very big family occasion indeedy. Anyways, we get to Alton Towers and I remember I hadn't picked my purse up and we had no money to pay with, eeeekkkkkkk! We ransacked the car and found a new bank card that had dropped out of Hunk of Hoos pocket earlier in the day. We were so relieved, so we went to pay, but Hunk of Hoo couldn't remember his new card number and eventually he had so many tries it got blocked so we couldn't pay with it anyway. The lovely cashier on the till asked how much we had and after coppering up we managed to get £75 together, we negotiated the ticket price for all 5 of us down to £85, then the cashier said I can give you a voucher and knock off another £10, so in the end we just had enough to get in, phewwwwwww that was a very close call. We all had a lovely day, even me ,after being the butt of so many jokes all day. My fam seem to spend the day laughing at me on the rides as I am a little embarrassing I suppose. I did discover I'm way too old for all that, even the very tame rides scared me half to death, I literally thought I was going to die on a few occasions. If we ever go again I've promised myself I'm never ever going on anything and I'll just be the one left looking after bags lol. x♥ox♥o
This week a good friend of ours is leaving the gym we use to set up on his own. We our going to miss him like mad. He's been a real help with our training and has always been there to advice and help us both. I might get more work done at the gym if he's not there though, as we do tend to chat a little too much lol. We wish him all the luck in the world with his new venture, but i'm sure he wont need it! Big (((hugs))) Darren Salmon AKA 'The Terminator' x.
I've had a very busy and exiting Easter. Been extremely busy with my internet chocolate brownie orders as well as supplying 2 massive orders to a very nice food hamper business. They had a stand at the Chester Food & Drink Festival and they asked me to supply them with my brownies. I got a phone call at 2.30pm on their first day saying they had completely sold out and could I bake another huge order for the next day. I did and we dropped them off first thing on Easter Sunday before we went onto Alton Towers.
For an Easter surprise for the kids, me & my Hunk of Hoo had decided to take them to Alton Towers for the day because it's been so long, well over a year since having a family day out because of little Christopher's heart surgery and then his recovery and medication. So this was going to be a very big family occasion indeedy. Anyways, we get to Alton Towers and I remember I hadn't picked my purse up and we had no money to pay with, eeeekkkkkkk! We ransacked the car and found a new bank card that had dropped out of Hunk of Hoos pocket earlier in the day. We were so relieved, so we went to pay, but Hunk of Hoo couldn't remember his new card number and eventually he had so many tries it got blocked so we couldn't pay with it anyway. The lovely cashier on the till asked how much we had and after coppering up we managed to get £75 together, we negotiated the ticket price for all 5 of us down to £85, then the cashier said I can give you a voucher and knock off another £10, so in the end we just had enough to get in, phewwwwwww that was a very close call. We all had a lovely day, even me ,after being the butt of so many jokes all day. My fam seem to spend the day laughing at me on the rides as I am a little embarrassing I suppose. I did discover I'm way too old for all that, even the very tame rides scared me half to death, I literally thought I was going to die on a few occasions. If we ever go again I've promised myself I'm never ever going on anything and I'll just be the one left looking after bags lol. x♥ox♥o
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Justine Forrest: 17 days till the 2012 London Marathon!
Justine Forrest: 17 days till the 2012 London Marathon!: Last 2 weeks of hard training then we bring it back the week before the London Marathon, phewwwwww. Going out on a 10 miler first thing tomo...
17 days till the 2012 London Marathon!
Last 2 weeks of hard training then we bring it back the week before the London Marathon, phewwwwww. Going out on a 10 miler first thing tomorrow then back to the Brownie baking, have had 2 mad, busy baking weeks. Also had a very large hamper company order and I've also got a big brownie tower for a 21st birthday party over the weekend and lot's of local orders too. Easter has been very good for me and the brownies lol. Oh if you do fancy sponsoring me and my Hunk of Hoo to run the whole of the 26 miles in the London Marathon for a fantastic charity, my sponsorship page is - web/fundraiser/showFundraiserPage.action?userUrl=JustineForrest&faId=168574&isTeam=false A massive thank you if you do take a peek.
We had a big 80's themed charity night last Friday at our local Indian restaurant, what a night, we raised over £1500 for our charity and it was such a laugh. Everyone had a great time. Alice Newby sang for us while we ate, what a voice, such talent. Then my Hunk of Hoo spinned the tunes until the early hours. Very pleased at how everything went and how much we raised. We enjoyed it that much we're thinking of doing it once a year for a different charity each time. Would love to do the next one for Operation Smile. The charity offers operations for children in poor countries who are born with cleft lip and palates and who don't get the corrective surgery needed like we do in this country. Our Oldest daughter Millie was born with a cleft lip and palate, so we know first hand how this type of birth defect can effect your whole life. Millie's a star and has been through so much in her short life, I cant image her not having the corrective surgery she's needed.
Cant wait for this weekend, we're going to have our first big family day out in over a year. We haven't done anything in such a long time because, Christopher hasn't been up to it. It's all a big surprise and the children don't know yet, but we're taking them to Alton Towers for the day, they are going to be made up. We haven't been there for years, in fact the last time we went I was 14 stone heavier and didn't go on any rides. Not this time, I'm going to go on EVERYTHING - Make way, I'm coming in lol!
Oh before I forget, a very good friend of mine has written this book - such a great Easter Bank Holiday read. She's an amazing writer, take a look. xx
We had a big 80's themed charity night last Friday at our local Indian restaurant, what a night, we raised over £1500 for our charity and it was such a laugh. Everyone had a great time. Alice Newby sang for us while we ate, what a voice, such talent. Then my Hunk of Hoo spinned the tunes until the early hours. Very pleased at how everything went and how much we raised. We enjoyed it that much we're thinking of doing it once a year for a different charity each time. Would love to do the next one for Operation Smile. The charity offers operations for children in poor countries who are born with cleft lip and palates and who don't get the corrective surgery needed like we do in this country. Our Oldest daughter Millie was born with a cleft lip and palate, so we know first hand how this type of birth defect can effect your whole life. Millie's a star and has been through so much in her short life, I cant image her not having the corrective surgery she's needed.
Cant wait for this weekend, we're going to have our first big family day out in over a year. We haven't done anything in such a long time because, Christopher hasn't been up to it. It's all a big surprise and the children don't know yet, but we're taking them to Alton Towers for the day, they are going to be made up. We haven't been there for years, in fact the last time we went I was 14 stone heavier and didn't go on any rides. Not this time, I'm going to go on EVERYTHING - Make way, I'm coming in lol!
Oh before I forget, a very good friend of mine has written this book - such a great Easter Bank Holiday read. She's an amazing writer, take a look. xx
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