

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Tuesday 6th September

We didn't go jogging this morning, we went tonight at 10pm in the wind and the rain, god that's commitment for you. We did five miles instead of 2/4, yay! Came back soaked, but it will be all worth it. I don't care about times, all I care about is starting the Great North Run and finishing it without stopping, I don't want to walk any of it.
It's also giving me something else to concentrate on, as I'm having awful problems getting one of Christopher's drugs  prescribed by our family doctor and I'm now thinking about contacting our MP about the situation. It is ridiculous, Christopher consultant wants him on this drug and if he wasnt he would be on oxygen instead, it's a no brainier for me, but our doctor is having none of it and has refused to prescribe it. Now we either have to go all the way back to Alder Hey every time or Christopher's Cardiac Liaison Nurse is going to try to get his cardiac doctor at RPH to prescribe it there instead. That still is not a perfect solution to this very worrying situation. His cardiac nurse describes this drug as a miracle in cardiac cases and more & more children will eventually be on it. I think it's disgraceful other family, some living in difficult circumstances, without transport or the money for petrol will then have to travel miles to get it. Our doctor did say another thing he wasn't happy about was that it wasn't licensed for children, well 70% of the drugs used on cardiac children at Alder Hey aren't licensed as you cant do clinical testing on children. Alder Hey, in fact, have done their own research into this drug and that's why they call it a miracle drug! 

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