

Friday, 9 December 2011

Christmas is a coming and this bird aint getting fat!

Well just got back from the gym. Done 1 hour 10 minutes on the treadmill and I didn't fall off once, result! I am proper lethal on those things but now that the weather Up North is pretty rank I'm finding the only way I can run is at the gym, I know it's a complete cop out. I am finding it a lot easier than road running though. Anyways April will soon be here and I'm setting my goal for the London Marathon to run the whole 26 miles without stopping, eeeeek! If you knew me you'd understand that I'm no gym freak or a natural athlete, I can take exercise or leave it but I do know it is the way to a healthy lifestyle and it also helps to keep my weight down. I'll always be a re-covering foodaholic after losing 14 stone in weight nearly 2 years ago now. These days I do understand my body and how to maintain my weight/health because believe me it's only half the battle losing the weight, one of the hardest things is keeping it off, that's why so many people regain the weight they lose after 'dieting'. If anyone is reading this and interested in losing weight and getting fit, my advice would be to choice an activity that you enjoy, half an hour 6 times a week, building up to an hour. When I first started losing my weight I would go for a long walk nearly everyday, in fact that was my chosen activity and I lost 10 stone by just walking and cutting down on what I ate. I didn't join a gym or do any other exercise, so it can be done and it doesn't have to cost anything. Get some tunes on your headphones and lose yourself in your music. I've found it's become my escapism and it also helps me mentally with life's day to day problems. It's my 'ME TIME' and now instead of it being a chore I love it and miss it when I cant.

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