

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Go Team Forrest!

Just been hit with a brick of realisation - I can finally say i'm a good role model for my children to follow. It's taken me a long, long personal journey to come to that conclusion, mind! It's all about getting the balance right in life and the old me missed out on so much living and then in turn my family did too. All because I was 'morbidly obese' and extremely unhealthy/unhappy. I was also lacking in confidence because of it and that stopped me doing things with my family. Now, just because I changed what I ate and brought a little exercise into my life, I'm a very different person, not just on the outside, but on the inside too. I always think if you're good 80% of the time, you're allowed to be naughty the other 20%. I'm so proud of my children they are my biggest achievement in my life. If I died tomorrow, I'd died happy knowing I've produced 3 very well balanced, well mannered, polite, loving and caring members of society.
In saying all that my 20% naughtiness must of come last night. I did get very carried away eating lots of left over Christmas cheeses & savoury biscuits whilst watching - The Kings Speech, snuggled up with all the family. You've gotta love cheese & biscuits, they were the best bit about the film for me. Daughter No2 fell asleep as soon as the film started, Child No3 started complaining about being bored 20 minutes in, so started playing on his ipod instead. I must admit I'd only give the film 7/10. I have no idea what all the fuss was about when it was first released. It was a fun night though and supper made the film more bearable lol.
Today I'm going to dig some of my Ravioli recipes out as hunk of hoo and Millie want to make some for tea. It's only because Millie wants the recipes for Food Tech, I know her game. Well Mum's got to be good for something I suppose.

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