

Monday, 13 June 2011

Longridge Field Day was great again this year, mostly to do with how well organised it is. The weather stayed fine too, which is always a bonus. Cath Reid and her helpers did a fantastic job organising and dressing the Field Day Queen and her retinue. It's a lovely day and you get to meet and talk to old friends you don't see all year round. I had a few people again ignoring me and then coming over to say they were sorry but they hadn't recognised me because of all the weight I'd los!!, It never fails to amuse me and even now, over a year on, some people still don't recognise me and it happens quite a lot lol. It's now got us all in the mood for Grimsargh Field Day in a couple of  weeks time.
My legs are starting to heel at long last and I haven't touched any antibiotics in about two weeks now!! I still go to see my surgeon and his team at the dressing clinic every week. Funniest thing was, driving back from the hospital last week, BBC Radio Lancashire rang me on my mobile wanting to talk to me- live on air- about how I lost 14 stone and what it was like for me when I was so much heavier. So I pulled over and talked to them for about 15 minutes on my favorite subject lol.
We're still waiting to hear from Alder Hey Children's Hospital about when Christophers'  next operation is. They did say it would be before the end of June. Some days I cant shake the thought of it off and ideally I would love to bury my head in the sand once again and go to bed and not get up again until mid July, but in real life that's not really an option. I struggle at times thinking about how we'll all cope when the time comes, especially when some days Christopher looks up at me and asks if he's going to make it and if I think he'll die?!?  No doubt when the time comes we'll all pull together as a family and we'll  get through it, like we've always done, with determination and courage. God I love my ickle boy!
On a much lighter  note, our Millie is going to feature in the Longridge News this week, as she's taking the world of para- athletics by storm with a discus lol. No apparently it's true. We take Millie to train every Monday night at Wigan Harriers,  Her coach, Bob, talent spotted Millie at Manchester City Football Clubs disability sports day a few months ago. Anyway, the Paralympics 2016 is a long way off, but she is doing very well and we're very proud parents- once again!!!!xx.

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