What fabulous weather were having at the moment, I'm topping my tan up nicely.
Well, it's been a very interesting week - not! Last Friday one of the infections in my leg flared up again, so I went back to hospital to get some more antibiotics for it and they kept me in for five days on intravenous antibiotics instead, bummer! I also had a really high temp at the time, so I know I was in the safest place if anything happened. On the Sunday it was my eldest daughter, Millies, 15th birthday, which I totally missed due to being stuck on hospital ward. Being the most fantastic Mummy that I am (well someone has to say it lol) I had already sorted everything out present wise apart from her new phone and hightops. Daddy Chris was absolutely amazing whilst I was in hospital and took Millie shopping and got the rest of her presents and spoilt the other two kiddywinks too, so that made me feel much better as I was lying in my hospital bed on a ward with three other burping and f*rting old ladies lol. Millie then went out for a meal and had a sleepover with her friends when I came home and we also took her for a night out in the Trafford Centre so she could spend some of her birthday money. Shes also taking some of her friends to Soccer Six at Burnley Football Club tomorrow, so you could say she was extra spoilt this birthday through my guilt. But, saying that ,Millie is very special to all of us, shes our first born and taught us so much. I had a real tough time when Millie was born, I struggled coming to terms with all her hospital appointments etc etc and just wanted to be left alone to enjoy my first baby instead of having everyone trying to interfear and tell me how to do everything. Anyway, in the end, Millie had a great birthday and hasn't stopped smiling since, which is what its all about at the end of the day!
All in all I'm feeling much better and stronger everyday. Ive just finished my fifth lot of antibiotics so I'm now a little nervous because after finishing every other course my infections have flared up again, fingers crossed they've all been zapped for good this time! I've had friends ask over the last few weeks if I've regretted having this latest op and I can honestly say a BIG nope to that one lol. Even though I've been very, very unlucky getting these celulitus infections and especially in three places and even though I'm still very swollen in my thighs and I cant yet fit back into my jeans, I can really tell the difference and I can imagine how good they're going to look eventually. I would recommend it to anyone who has lost lots of weight and is left with extra hanging skin, it really is nothing in the big scale of things, believe me.
I'm now looking to the future and working hard to achieve me and my families dreams ♥
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